Staff Writer, Author at LA Yoga Magazine - Ayurveda & Health Food, Home, Spa, Practice Thu, 12 Aug 2021 04:50:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How A Tuina Massage can Improve Your Yoga Practice Thu, 12 Aug 2021 18:00:34 +0000 Tuina Massage is a Tool for Recovery We're all looking for tools for recovery, especially after a challenging practice. This can be especially true when we feel stiff, unenergized, or worried about a specific part of our bodies. Our bodies need some love and TLC so that our yoga practice can be enjoyable and effective. [...]

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Tuina Massage
Tuina Massage is a Tool for Recovery

We’re all looking for tools for recovery, especially after a challenging practice. This can be especially true when we feel stiff, unenergized, or worried about a specific part of our bodies. Our bodies need some love and TLC so that our yoga practice can be enjoyable and effective. Tuina massage is a recovery technique that offers powerful benefits when indulged in either before or after yoga .

Tuina is a practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and one of the experiences found at Seyhart in Los Angeles. It restores the energy of the body, known as the Qi, through both the release of toxins and overall nourishment of the entire body. When combined with cupping or Gua Sha, Tuina’s benefits for detoxification and rejuvenation can be amplified.

In conjunction with yoga, Seyhart’s Tuina practice can help improve mobility and even awareness. The awareness that takes place during the pressing, rubbing, and kneading of the soft tissues during the Tuina massage, is in itself healing.

Rest and Recovery through Tuina

When it comes to muscle recovery after yoga or other physical activities, times of rest are key for healing. Seyhart’s Tuina can serve as this recovery and healing moment and can allow rest days to be even more productive. The massage provides some of the same benefits for mobility as yoga while working out some of the lactic acid buildup that can contribute to sore muscles after an intense flow or other workout. Regular massage can support the habit of staying mobile through practice.

Tuina as Needle-Free Acupuncture

Tuina is frequently described as needle-free acupuncture. It gently stimulates the meridians, or the channels of energy in the body. Tuina allows the body to continue on its wellness journey while also integrating mental awareness.  This form of mind-body massage is truly medicine and part of a greater process of healing, recovery, preparation of, or just appreciation of ourselves and our health.


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Five Simple Ayurvedic Practices for Optimal Health Fri, 14 May 2021 17:15:52 +0000 As more people embrace a holistic approach to a healthy, conscious lifestyle, it’s no surprise that ancient Ayurvedic practices are finding their way into our modern lives.  Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago, translating to “the science of life”. Although Ayurveda is dynamic and complex, you [...]

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As more people embrace a holistic approach to a healthy, conscious lifestyle, it’s no surprise that ancient Ayurvedic practices are finding their way into our modern lives.  Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago, translating to “the science of life”. Although Ayurveda is dynamic and complex, you don’t have to know everything about it to reap the benefits. There are many simple practices you can incorporate into your daily routine that can support your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Five Simple Ayurvedic Practices to Incorporate into Your Life

1. Seasonal Cleansing

Many foods that come into season in the Spring are naturally cleansing – often astringent or bitter – think asparagus or leafy greens. Eating seasonally to gently eliminate toxins is a wonderful way to strengthen digestion. Spring is a great time for this! Try a gentle cleansing diet of lighter, seasonal foods for a week to assist the body’s natural process of removing any accumulated toxins that can impede your body’s ability to cope with stressors. For your week of lighter eating, choose easy to digest foods such as cooked, lightly-spiced organic vegetables, whole grains and soups.

2. Dry Brushing

Try this before your next shower – take a few minutes with a natural bristle brush and gently brush your skin in overlapping circles, working your way towards your heart, starting with one leg, then one arm at a time. This invigorating practice not only exfoliates, leaving you with softer skin, it also has the benefit of detoxifying by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph drainage. Take care not to brush over any irritated or broken skin and use only enough pressure as is comfortable and brush only as often as feels good to your body, generally 2-5 times per week.


3. Drink Tulsi Tea

Consider incorporating functional herbal teas into your daily routine and enjoy benefits beyond taste. Ayurvedic adaptogens like Tulsi, commonly known as Holy Basil, offer benefits such as stress-relief, immune and respiratory support. Adaptogens including Tulsi and Ashwagandha help the body to adapt to physical, mental and environmental stress, something we could all use on a daily basis! For an added bonus, take a few deep breaths while you brew and think of three things you’re grateful for.

4. Spice It Up

There’s a saying that goes, it’s not what you eat, it’s what you digest. Agni, or digestive fire, is the cornerstone of Ayurveda. Lean on the ancient wisdom of plant-based medicine by adding Ayurvedic spices for flavor and nourishment to your meals. Ginger, well known for its stomach soothing qualities, is a spicy, warming herb that helps to stoke the digestive fire and assimilate nutrients. Try sprinkling Turmeric into your food to take advantage of this “pharmacy in an herb”. Enjoy the delicate, mildly sweet flavor of Ceylon Cinnamon, considered “true cinnamon”, and reap the benefits of its antioxidant value along with supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

5. Meditation for the Mind

Meditation is the timeless practice of staying present that over time, helps to settle the mind and clarify thoughts. It is thought to clear the Ama, or undigested energies, of the mind and spirit, from which the body springs forth. While meditation is simple in concept, if you have ever tried it, you know it’s not always easy in practice. Set yourself up for success by starting small. Aim for 1-5 minutes and add on one minute a day from there. A little effort can make a big impact!

The vivid uncertainties of the world have had an impact on us mentally and physically. It’s important to put energy into taking care of ourselves so that we can show up in a healthy, conscious way that makes the world a better place. By incorporating a few simple Ayurvedic practices into your life, you can help to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

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LA Artist Dillon Forte Talks Sacred Geometry, Spirituality and Tattoos Fri, 07 May 2021 20:29:59 +0000 Los Angeles-based tattoo artist, painter, and entrepreneur Dillon Forte has a thing for nature and his wanderlust that takes him around the globe. We’re not speaking of cruise ships and lounge chairs, this is the type of travel that involves being fully immersed in nature, connecting with the earth, and discovering parts of the planet [...]

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Los Angeles-based tattoo artist, painter, and entrepreneur Dillon Forte has a thing for nature and his wanderlust that takes him around the globe. We’re not speaking of cruise ships and lounge chairs, this is the type of travel that involves being fully immersed in nature, connecting with the earth, and discovering parts of the planet that lack wi-fi and coffee bars. It’s the kind of effort that really helps one tap into the universe, and having his feet planted on the ground in places like Morocco, Nepal or Egypt is just the beginning of the journey. “These are the places I travel to and truly connect with my creativity and the roots of our entire existence,” says Forte.

Forte gained notoriety internationally and in the Los Angeles area from his sacred geometry style of tattooing and ultimately the deeper meaning that his clients seek from his work. Not only is there beauty and an obvious level of talent in his art, but to those who lean into spiritual practices and beliefs, his art helps further express their appreciation for the universe and principles that connect every element around us. This is where knowledge from books and research is often not enough for people like Forte and many in the Yoga and spiritual communities. “It’s about the real-world experience, being there in the moment, and expressing your gratitude and connection in your own way. Each time I tattoo a client I often hear a story about why they want this piece of art and it usually goes way beyond the design being pleasing to the eye.”

Although Forte doesn’t like to sell himself on anyone specific he’s worked with, with a few keyboard clicks we found he has inked some household names including Usher, Chris Hemsworth, Kehlani, Kat Von D, and others. Whether these clients are subscribers of the metaphysical or even practitioners of Yoga and meditation, we can safely assume there is something deeper these people are seeking when choosing to express themselves with Forte’s work. This is proof that just like one’s yoga or spiritual practice, a tattoo is such a personal experience and the reasons are as unique as their journey. This is what is so exciting about a tattoo, not only is it a great ice breaker when meeting new people, but they often have a story to tell that can be a window into their soul.



Sacred Geometry Design and Roots

So what is the big deal with sacred geometry anyhow? We see the designs everywhere in nature, architecture, and even on your favorite yoga mat. Yes, break out your yoga gear and you’ll see what we’re talking about. We asked Dillon about this to get his perspective on the topic.

“Sacred Geometry is a term coined to comprehend the mathematical laws that govern the structure of reality. It commands cells to divide, determines the radial patterns in a flower, and births symmetry. It’s been proven that the human brain registers symmetry as satisfying or beautiful. In scientific studies, symmetrical faces were even concluded to be perceived as more attractive. Perhaps in our seemingly chaotic world, our subconscious finds comfort in structure. This sense of comfort is possibly why so many religions utilize sacred geometry in their houses of worship and art. It is what makes Sacred Geometry “Sacred”. The idea that there is a plan. A blueprint.

I have been tattooing sacred imagery for the past 13 years, each day further affirming the interconnectedness of all things and people. Have you ever noticed the veins in your body resemble the roots of a tree? Or that a spiral galaxy mirrors the nautilus shell? These anomalies are actually not anomalies at all. They are rules of geometry that reflect the golden ratio. My fascination with geometry has been my greatest muse, with the human body as my primary canvas. I find that in tattooing, our natural symmetry in combination with sacred geometric imagery makes for a powerful and cohesive aesthetic.”

The latest with Dillon Forte

Dillon Forte currently lives on the West Side and is in the process of putting final touches on an incredible new art gallery and workspace in Venice. The street-facing location is hard to miss, and simply has “FORTE” as a header sign and through the windows, one can see beautiful sculptures and a calming entryway that leads to his space. Forte has upcoming plans to showcase his canvas art and sculpture collaborations in a series of events later this year and those interested can learn more via his website and Instagram pages.

Last year, he also unveiled Forte Tattoo Tech, which is his line of eco-friendly tattoo supplies that other artists and tattoo studios globally can take advantage of. He saw an opportunity in the industry, where most tattooists were likely throwing away difficult to recycle tattoo supplies, including wrap, ink cups, and razors that typically end up in landfills. These new plant-based products biodegrade quickly and tie in with Forte’s dedication to the planet, and likely helps him sleep better at night. For anyone who loves mother nature like most of us do, this is an added contribution to the world alongside his beautiful art and design work.

Learn more about Dillon Forte at or visit Forte Tattoo Tech at

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Can CBD Enhance Your Yoga Experience? Fri, 19 Mar 2021 02:15:20 +0000 The Modern Use of CBD   Over the past few decades, yoga and the use of cannabidiol (CBD) have become two leading practices in American home physical therapy and health supplementation. While this is a fairly recent phenomenon in Western countries, you might be surprised to know how far back it goes in Central Asia, [...]

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Woman in yoga pose using CBD

The Modern Use of CBD


Over the past few decades, yoga and the use of cannabidiol (CBD) have become two leading practices in American home physical therapy and health supplementation. While this is a fairly recent phenomenon in Western countries, you might be surprised to know how far back it goes in Central Asia, where the two have been used in combination for centuries.

In India, cannabinoids and yoga share a long-running connection in the pursuit of health and wellness. Practitioners, yogis and ascetics alike use them complementarily on a regular basis today. The natural synergy between the two is acknowledged even in ancient religious Indian texts.

Let’s examine the most important ways CBD can enhance the yoga experience for practitioners of all levels, starting with a brief overview of the role and functions of CBD in the body.


How Does CBD Work?

All of CBD’s documented effects are the result of its interaction with the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS). This system is named because it was discovered during the study of cannabinoids’ effects on the brain. The ECS is a network of receptors found throughout the body that influence the production and uptake of hormones and neurotransmitters. By acting as a modulatory influence on the ECS, CBD can ameliorate symptoms of anxiety and mood disorders by regulating serotonin or dopamine imbalances in patients.

CBD’s positive interaction with the ECS is how CBD drops with higher than average potency have been used to calm the seizures of children with Dravet syndrome. It’s also why Olympic athletes like Michael Phelps and world famous performers like Katy Perry credit CBD as a staple of their health supplement regimens.

It’s worth noting that the stretching in various yoga poses or asanas naturally activates and heightens the sensitivity of ECS receptors found in muscle fibers and fascia. This naturally improves the effective bioavailability of CBD by priming the body’s ability at cannabinoid absorption.


Increased Focus and Concentration

Yoga helps a person develop both self-awareness, and mind-muscle connections. This is true for anyone; from novices learning their first sets of poses to teachers. Luckily according to researchers, CBD does plenty to nurture the bond between mind and body.

Of course, this doesn’t mean a simple dose of CBD will have a beginner sliding comfortably into a perfect Hanumanasana in his or her first session. But in the same way CBD’s effect on the ECS positively influences cognitive processes associated with depression, anxiety, insomnia and even post-traumatic stress disorder, CBD has been shown to enhance focus and concentration — making it a very good health supplement for improving one’s yoga experience.


Enhanced Muscle Recovery for Beginners

CBD’s analgesic and spasmolytic properties are invaluable in aiding new practitioners in their first few weeks of experimentation. A simple plow pose, for example, can create significant pressure and pain in the upper back, trapezius and neck muscles when performed incorrectly. In most cases, this pain is at its worst in the hours or days following the yoga session.

Supplementing with CBD can not only help to relieve these periods of chronic pain; it can calm the onset of muscle spasms as well. Spasms most frequently occur in budding practitioners who also engage in other sports, such as running or weightlifting. Moreover, the muscles most prone to spasms are instrumental to proper yoga posture — such as the calf muscles, hamstrings, deltoids and triceps.

While the best course of action for a beginner with muscle injuries is to resume the practice of yoga after they’ve made a full recovery, CBD can aid in the healing process by controlling pain and relaxing injured muscles.


Relief from Joint Inflammation

As an endeavor revolving around focus, coordination and concentration, yoga can be challenging enough for first-timers even in an appropriate environment free from external distractions. Yet one of the most common and disruptive aspects of a beginner’s yoga experience — particularly among those getting along in years — is inflammatory disorders. These include arthritis, tendonitis and gout.

CBD’s well-established anti-inflammatory properties have made it a mainstay in the sports medicine industry. CBD is infused into recovery balms, roll-ons and salves not only to offer localized pain relief for athletes on the move, but to double as a natural alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as well.

By controlling the pain and swelling from joint or muscle inflammation, CBD can improve the yoga experience for beginners of all ages, moving even middle-aged practitioners past inflammatory disorders common to their age group, such as tennis elbow or rotator cuff tendonitis.


Promotion of Hormonal Balance and Homeostasis

The complexity of human hormonal health is due primarily to its natural ebbs and flows, as well as how they vary between individuals. Let’s look at cortisol as an example: levels of this so-called “stress hormone” shift in 24 hour cycles, generally peaking in the morning and dropping to its lowest levels around midnight in healthy individuals.

Factors such as sleeplessness, anxiety, poor diet, or fatigue can disrupt this flow in hormonal levels, and can lead to a cortisol imbalance. Typical symptoms of a cortisol imbalance include severe mood swings, muscle weakness, rapid weight gain, and high blood pressure. Any of these factor can significantly complicate the practice of yoga for beginners and intermediates alike.

CBD is currently being studied for its viability in normalizing cortisol levels, showing success in attenuating cortisol production to normal hormonal circadian rhythms in volunteer trials. While new studies are still ongoing, there’s an appreciable amount of evidence in scientific literature to suggest that supplementing with CBD can help to promote a healthy hormonal balance.

Using CBD as a Health Supplement

CBD is available in an impressive variety of formats. This includes everything from isolate powder to infused muffins or even vape oils. However, for simple, straightforward use at home or on the go, CBD oils can be the best and most versatile option for aspiring yogis.

When out and about, CBD oil can be used with a dropper for direct oral consumption or incorporation into cold tea. In a home kitchen, CBD oil becomes a much more versatile medium, and can be mixed into fruit smoothies, vinaigrettes, waffle syrup, or protein shakes. The only real limiting factor in home supplementation using CBD oil is imagination. As long as heat is avoided to preserve product potency.

With proper dosages and regular supplementation using quality products, yoga practitioners of all levels stand to benefit from CBD’s medicinal and therapeutic potential in their pursuit of harmony across body, mind, and environment.

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Top Five Yoga Poses for Teeth Grinders Wed, 09 Sep 2020 05:17:24 +0000 Teeth grinding, or bruxism has been linked to anxiety, high-stress work, poor sleep, and long hours. This is according to the National Health Society in the UK. The worst part is—most teeth grinding actually happens at night, so you might not even be aware of the damage you’re doing to your oral health, making this [...]

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Yoga pose for teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism has been linked to anxiety, high-stress work, poor sleep, and long hours. This is according to the National Health Society in the UK. The worst part is—most teeth grinding actually happens at night, so you might not even be aware of the damage you’re doing to your oral health, making this hard to control.

However, there are things you can do during your waking hours that can help prevent you from grinding your teeth. Yoga offers lifestyle practices that can help with bruxism. Yoga, including meditation, includes innovative and helpful relaxation processes. Since bruxism is stress-related, yoga poses for teeth grinders can provide relief.

The following are 5 yoga poses for teeth grinders. These can help you and help the health of your teeth.

Moving Eyes “Round-the-clock” Pose

When your eyes experience stress, the rest of your face is affected including the jaws. Closing your eyes is the first thing towards relaxation. Close your eyes, move them round in clockwise, and counter-clockwise circles, both 20 times.

Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

This full body pose is expansive and includes strength and stretch. Set up this pose so one leg is  straight ahead and bent somewhere around a 90 degree angle with your other leg at about 45 degrees behind you. Extend your arms out to either side, at around shoulder level. Allow your gaze to turn toward your front leg (bent knee). Breathe in the pose for a length of time that works for you. Then switch sides.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

The pose is done on the floor, so for additional comfort, use a mat. You can have a yoga block for support as needed. Start out on your knees, with your knees and legs width apart. While lengthening your spine, stabilize your thighs, hips, and lower legs. Place your hands on your lower back for stability and slowly bringing your head back as far as you can. Relax your shoulders and remain in the pose for about 10 deep breaths.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhanasana)

Bridge pose is practiced on the floor, emulating the arch of a bridge. Set up a mat for comfort and cushioning. Lying on your back, slowly lift your hips and the length of your spine. Use your legs to support your upper back. Keep your arms alongside your body, or reach underneath and interlace your fingers. You may even feel like gently squeezing the edges of your shoulders together. Drop your chin to your chest. Remain in the pose for as long as 10 breaths if that works for you. When you are ready, start to roll yourself back down to the mat.

Lion’s Breath Pose

While kneeling on the floor, cross the front of the left ankle over the back of the right while pointing your feet out to sides. While spreading your fingers, place your palms firmly on your knees. Take a deep breath through the nose and open your mouth while stretching your tongue out, pointing the tip towards your chin and opening your eyes widely.

With the distinct ‘ha’ sound, exhale slowly through the mouth and contract the muscles at the front of your throat. Pass the breath over the back of your throat. You can even roar three times while changing the cross of the legs and repeating the same. This will help release the tension on the face and chest.

If you have been wondering how to stop bruxism and release tension in your mouth and jaw, try some of these poses.Yoga is the answer you have been looking for as recommended by the Amazing Smile Dental. Practicing the above poses such as the Camel Pose, Warrior 2 Pose and Lion’s Breath are some of the top yoga poses for teeth grinding.

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Tune into Inspiration with CGood TV Sat, 18 Jul 2020 06:43:11 +0000 When you need to see something good… is a new streaming platform that is dedicated to conscious, uplifting and transformation films, series, documentaries, music videos, podcasts, live events, and more. There is something for every mood and amount of time. is now live and available for free! “I always wanted a media platform [...]

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CGood TV poster

When you need to see something good… is a new streaming platform that is dedicated to conscious, uplifting and transformation films, series, documentaries, music videos, podcasts, live events, and more. There is something for every mood and amount of time. is now live and available for free!

“I always wanted a media platform that reinforced a daily conscious practice, with healthy diet and positive consumption choices. And now, the uncertainty of recent events has fortified my belief that a well told visual story has the power to change the world—because it changes how we see the world.” shares Trina Wyatt, who is the founder and CEO of Conscious Good.

The platform is temporarily available free of charge and will later shift into an affordable subscription-based membership.

The beta launches with a new series produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Betsy Chasse (What The Bleep Do We Know?!, Song of The New Earth, Pregnant In America)

“I was excited to meet the challenge of creating something inspiring and empowering while being in lockdown! Working with content creators, poets, animators, musicians and editors and such amazing luminaries was certainly a highlight for me while staying home. Their messages remind me of what humans are capable. The piece shares stories, poetry, music, art and thoughtful inspirations from around the world.

Teachers and Speakers on C Good TV

C The Good features some of the following teachers and speakers, including YouTube sensation Tom Foolery and his short film, The Great Realisation, Trina Wyatt, Sister Dr. Jenna, Michael B. Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Charles Eisenstein, Temple Hayes, Andrea Pennington, Kelly Noonan Gores, Dr. Habib Sadeghi, Dr. Sherry Sami, Dr. Foojan Zeine, Puria Kästele, Sister Jayanti, Deirdre Hade, William Arntz, Snatam Kaur Khalsa, Havilah Malone, Piper Dellums, Lexie Potamkin, Louis Gosset Jr., Jeremy Loveday, Starhawk, Mark Lakeman, Nikki Sanchez, Jason Guille, Akira Chan, Arjuna O’Neal, Raamayan Ananda, Cynthia Bledsoe, Jo Gillard, Amber J. Lawson, Betsy Chasse, Chambolion Fairley, Sinead O’Callahan and Conscious Good’s Creators Network community members.

The CGood TV app is available on all major platforms. This includes iOS, Android, Amazon FireTV, AppleTV, AndroidTV, Chromecast and Roku. Look for it on the web at CGood.TV.

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7 Pro Tips to Pick the Right Yoga Mat Tue, 23 Jun 2020 16:53:36 +0000 Considerations for Picking the Right Yoga Mat When it comes to picking the right yoga mat, we all want to make sure that we chose one that is the best fit. Not all yoga mats are created equal. Each one will have different design features depending on what you want to use it for and [...]

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woman on how to pick the right yoga mat

Considerations for Picking the Right Yoga Mat

When it comes to picking the right yoga mat, we all want to make sure that we chose one that is the best fit. Not all yoga mats are created equal. Each one will have different design features depending on what you want to use it for and how you use it. Yoga requires next to no gear to get started. All you need is yourself and a good mat. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which one to go for? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.


If you are first starting out on your yoga journey, you’ll come to quickly realize that there are many different types. Whether you are into hatha or yin, there is a mat to suit your style. If you enjoy slower-paced yoga that focuses on long stretches and holding positions, than a thicker mat can help you remain comfortable throughout the practice. If you enjoy a more dynamic yoga practice, then a thinner mat will move with you throughout the practice and will help you hold those positions.


You can buy yoga mats in a variety of material, from PVC to cotton. One of the latest developments in yoga mat technology is a cork yoga mat. Not only are these good for the environment, they are excellent for yin practices as they comfortable and have a good amount of give in them, making sure you don’t hurt yourself from sitting in one position for too long.


Some yoga mats can be very heavy and difficult to roll up, whereas others are so light that the corners can curl up during practice. You want to make sure that you strike a happy medium with this. You don’t want a mat that is so light that it will roll up during your practice, or won’t lay flat. And you also don’t want a mat that is almost impossible to roll up once you are finished.


As yoga has become increasingly popular, companies have come up with inventive ways of differentiating their products. One method is by adding features to their yoga mats. One of the best features we have seen is the addition of foot markings on the mat. These will tell you if you are holding the right position to maximize the stretch you feel. This is ideal if you practice at home and don’t have anyone there to correct you.


Cheaper yoga mats are made from porous material. Not only will this yoga mat not last as long as a sturdier one, it also makes them more difficult to clean. You want to make sure that you can clean your yoga mat. The more porous it is, the harder it will be to clean and rid it of sweat.


Most yoga mats are around 5ft8 in length which is more than enough to accommodate most people. However, if you are on the taller side, you will want to look for a mat that will be comfortable for you to use throughout the practice. You don’t want to be holding a plank on a mat that is too short for you. Not only will this hurt your elbows, it may even put you off practicing yoga entirely. Make sure you check the size of the yoga mat before you purchase it!


One of the most important factors of any yoga mat is how well it grips. Whether you are practicing at home in your living room or at a studio, you need to make sure that both the top and the bottom of your yoga mat have good grip. You don’t want to be sliding around everywhere on the mat and you don’t want it not to stick to the floor while practicing. Look for a medium to heavy thickness mat that is constructed of anti-slip and extra stick material.

Final Thoughts

Thankfully, you don’t need a lot of equipment to start yoga. But a good mat will help you settle into the practice and make it far easier to hold the pose. Before you rush out and buy one, make sure you have thought about where you are going to be practicing, how you are going to be practicing and if there are any features that could help. Yoga can be as relaxing or as hard work as you want to make it. Having the right yoga mat for you will help you enjoy your practice.

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The Woman Who Runs the LA Marathon: Tracey Russell on Yoga, LA, and More Thu, 15 Mar 2018 00:34:23 +0000 Talking about Running, the LA Marathon, and Yoga with Tracey Russell  The Conqur Endurance Group manages the Los Angeles Marathon. Their CEO Tracey Russell is the woman who runs the marathon--well, she really runs the organization that puts on this community event. In addition to being a devoted runner, Tracey is an avid yoga practitioner who [...]

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LA Marathon Runners

Talking about Running, the LA Marathon, and Yoga with Tracey Russell 

The Conqur Endurance Group manages the Los Angeles Marathon. Their CEO Tracey Russell is the woman who runs the marathon–well, she really runs the organization that puts on this community event. In addition to being a devoted runner, Tracey is an avid yoga practitioner who took some time to talk to LA YOGA about her yoga practice, marathon initiatives, and more. 

LA YOGA: What are some of the things that make the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon an integral
part of the city and a must-run race?

Tracey Russell: This year will mark the 33rd year the Los Angeles Marathon has been in existence. More than ever, it has become such a staple within the community as a unifier that truly embodies the Los Angeles spirit. Our marathon runs through four cities and countless neighborhoods, each with individual characteristics and personalities. The Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon stands out as an example of the diversity in greater Los Angeles and showcases the determination and grit that exists within our city.

The marathon unites people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders. This is the case whether you are running in the marathon or cheering on the sidelines. Many runners participate in the marathon to support and celebrate others through the significant fund-raising efforts for one of our 75 charity partners that collectively raise nearly four million dollars each year.

The 2018 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon Initiatives

What are some of the initiatives you are excited about for the 2018 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon?

TR: The new LA Loyal Program is an exciting initiative we created this year. It is inspired by our 144 legacy runners who have run the previous 32 marathons. LA Loyal celebrates our runners and those who run our marathon consecutively. We wanted to create a program that not only celebrated our existing loyal runners, but also one that appeals to new runners who want to start their own legacy and run with us year after year. We are recognizing those with two- and five-year streaks with cool swag and those who have run 10 or more with a coveted gold medal which features the original 1986 Los Angeles Marathon medal mark.

Tracey Russell Conqur Endurance Group CEO Yoga LA Marathon

Cross-Training: Yoga and Running with Tracey Russell

You mention that yoga is your favorite non-running activity. Do you have any go-to practices, teachers, or studios in LA?

TR: The best part about Los Angeles is that wherever I may be, whether it’s Downtown, Midtown, or the West Side, I can always find a great yoga studio. I kiddingly tell friends back east that yoga in LA is like Starbucks, there’s a studio on every other corner. My go-to studio is YogaWorks in Larchmont or Los Feliz. I’ll practice at the Westside Studio when in NYC for business. Some of my favorite teachers in LA include Colleen Garrity, Ella Cojocaru, and Joe Kara. I always try to get in a class with Laurie Sleep when in NYC.

Is anyone ever surprised by your love of yoga?

Not really; so many people in LA practice yoga and over the past several years, a lot of runners have seen the benefits of incorporating yoga into their fitness routine.

What do you feel are some of the reasons why yoga can be a helpful practice to combine with running?

My motivation to begin practicing yoga was to increase flexibility and focus more on my breath. As someone who didn’t carve out time to stretch after runs, practicing yoga taught me better alignment and how to safely and effectively stretch. That was nearly 10 years ago. The increased flexibility certainly helped my body respond better to the miles I was logging on the roads. As my teachers over the years have taught me about the importance of breath, I’ve been able to incorporate that thinking and practice when I’m off the mat and at the office or out on a run.

Making the Marathon Personal

Do you have a personal story you would like to share about being a part of the Conqur Endurance Group and the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon?

I have been here now close to five years. In this position, I was given the opportunity to reimagine what our business could be. I am particularly proud of the work our team has done in re-engineering and re- branding our business to be able to work more effectively with business partners and to communicate more deliberately with our participants. We have reason to be proud of the significant difference our charity program makes for thousands of people in our community.  More dollars are being raised each year for incredible and worthy causes here in the LA community.

It is also very rewarding to know that our team plays a big part in helping people overcome obstacles and challenges in their lives through their participation in our marathon and our other events. We have a site on our home page called “My LA Moment.” Here runners can post personal stories about why they are running the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon. So many people are running it for someone else. It is special to read these compelling and amazing stories that are a testament to the profound impact our marathon has on so many lives.


The post The Woman Who Runs the LA Marathon: Tracey Russell on Yoga, LA, and More appeared first on LA Yoga Magazine - Ayurveda & Health.

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